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Monday, September 15, 2008

FALSETTO I (15.09.08)

Parece-me que vou ter que criar uma espécie de rúbrica, porque quase todos os dias me apetece por no blog a letra de uma canção qualquer que na altura sinto que fala por mim. A rúbrica pode-se chamar "Falsetto"... isto porque é como sendo a minha voz mas não sendo, se é que me entendem :) Vou começar hoje, então... e são duas de uma vez.

Bem cá vai... esta hoje desfez-me. Chama-se "Redwings" e é dos Guillemots:


"This is where we fall from the trees
This is where the sky covers up
Daft killers of joy...
You made a man out of me

And this is where the glass leaves the lens
Splintering a chemistry of friends
I'll treasure you always
You know I love you

And this is where we wake in the ditch
This is where our bodies sing no more
Fallen apples on the floor, pecked at by redwings
So pour another whisky out for me
It'll be the last bottle we share
As I drift into nowhere
Know that I loved you

But love was not enough to hold my grip
Can't you just feel my fingers slip
Into those oceans in the sky where people swim
Oceans in the sky calling me in
Oceans in the sky I tell myself
Though I'm not kidding anybody else
They know I'm leaving
They know that I'm leaving this behind

So I'm leaving my best friend
Just for the hell of it
Just for the sake of it
But how much I loved you..."

Esta também é dos Guillemots...


"Little bear, little bear you're getting out of hand
Getting out of hand
I think I'm going to lose you now
Oh little bear, little bear you know me too well anyway
Too well every day
I'm going home
I'm going beneath the stars
I'm going under the soil again
And I won't be back in a long time so get out
Get out of this old house
Before I burn it down
I wouldn't want to cause you anything
That might break your lovely face
In a thousand shattered china pieces
In this bracken world of broken pieces..."

(de preferência tentem ouvir as músicas. São duas coisas lindas :)


cat said...

epa os guillemots are righteous mesmo...! hm..ok...e tu tmb :P

Vienna said...

Vou ouvir, vou. Tenho saudades, tenho. Quero saber como estas, quero. Mando-te um beijinho, ah pois mando! *

cat said...

e depois há musicas com letras horriveis:

"Strum me like a guitar blow out my amplifier
When you hear some feedback keep going take it higher
Crank it up give it to me come on
Crank it up give it to me come on
I'm gonna feedback feedback oh
Feedback feedback oh
Crank it up give it to me come on
Crank it up give it to me come on
I'm gonna feedback feedback oh
Feedback feedback oh

Light Skin, Dark Skin, My Asian Persuasion,
I Got them all that's why these girls out here hatin
Cause I'm sexy
You like it how I work my spine
Got you feeling all hypnotized (hypnotized)
I gotta body like a CL5
Make a **** wanna test drive but I'm so on fire
Flyer than a pelican find another chick better than I don't see her
Cause my swag is serious
Something heavy like a first day period

"janet jackson!
- - - - -
que só fazem as outras parecerem melhores =d